Sunday, December 07, 2003

My pitches...for titles. We decided on Destroy Robot World.

Here are my five to pitch. God help us all..

Be Good Smile Pretty Like Ben said, Simple, Anything cool could be projected on a postcard, will remind the audience of David Sadaris's Book, "Me Talk Pretty One Day" They will not hate us for that. Quite the contrary
All Runner's up in no particiular order;

The Medication is Working - Again, it's a comment for the show and the audience that is filling the seats. It works on both levels that way. Audience will wish their medication is working (what ever that may be, their dick, their Prozac, their Zoloft, jack and coke.. ) It's a reassuring feel-good title as well. Can be limitless with postcard possibilities.

Yo-YO Ma and the Fabulous 5
- The fab 5 being the 5 actors, Yo-Yo Ma being the most absurd of all characters in the most absurd of all sketches in the show. This deserves to be celebrated as such. Yo-YO doesn't have to be on the postcard. But, he could be. Plus, the understood notion by many NPR listeners that in the last two years, Ma has collaborated with just about every type of music on the planet. Also, with Chop Shtick on Saturday nights, you will blow the house down with a huge Asian audience. (not that we need an audience)

Destroy Robot World - I slept with it all week. It loved me. I loved it back. Then it cheated on me. We went on Judge Judy. The title then asked for alimony, so I dumped it. But not for good. I might take it back. Every title deserves a second chance. This one could surprise us like the winning longshot anorexic Mexican jockey at Hollywood Park at the end of racing season.

The Gospel According to Werewolf Jesus - Throwing it back in there because it represents the span of our sketches. Extending from Adam and Eve, all the way to a political driven werewolf. Perhaps Jeff is right. All sketches are either about Marx or God. In the case of our show, it's about when Marx and God went out for coffee and discovered after talking for a while that they were both dissatisfied with life and agreed the only way to cure this dissatisfaction would be a really great blow job. However, they couldn't decide whether the cure entailed giving a blow-job or receiving a blow job. Both ideas seem disgusting on a certain level. Especially after the space shuttle disaster happen not once, but twice! So they just ordered more coffee.

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