Tuesday, February 10, 2004

More good feedback from the Bloomberg article:

I read your article on Bloomberg. I have to say I was both very
impressed with your keen insight, I thought it was conscienous of you to bring to
light these terrible problems and at the same time I was shocked as to
the magnitude of the problem and the danger it poses to our society.
Up until I read your article I had know idea we had a drug problem with
the elephant population here in the US. You are right, sir, it is scary.
Elephants on cocaine? Sweet mother of God, I can only imagine the havoc
that this development would raise on elephant families and elephant
communities. If one of these drugged out pacaderms gets loose in our
neighborhoods the devastation would be on a massive scale. What do the
authorities think is going to stop them? Peanuts? No we have to put
agents on our borders with Mexico to prevent the drug lords from selling their
evil wares to these unsuspecting creatures.

Anyway, great editorial... keep up the good work.

Christina Aguilera

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