Monday, February 09, 2004
So the figure I quoted was retracked and corrected by Bloomberg. (see the article below). According to Bloomberg, the Department of Labor revised their earlier December count to 16,000 jobs versus the original 1,000. However, I fail to see how. The department of labor website actually still quotes non-farm job creation at 1,000. So whether Bloomberg is up on something I have no knowledge of, or they just didn't like my Darryl Hall and John Oats joke, I may never know. Mixing my metaphors in sloppy rants that a financial services company founded by the mayor or New York City will still pick up is a funny thought really. Maybe this is how those venture capitalists felt at 23 years of age in 1998 selling digital widgets to a sleazy Morgan Stanley banker that switched teams over to Level 3 or Global Crossing a year later. Well, Level 3 has survived, but for Global Crossing, they just missed the boat.