Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Top 10 reasons I'm glad the Olympics are over.
- I don't have to listen to gym analyst talk about their former careers for another four years.
- No more stories mistaken for "critical breaking news" on NBC news about how another athlete was caught with an illegal drug in their system. Meanwhile the world falls apart.
- Thanks to the two Russian planes that were bombed, No more winks about Terrorism F-ing it up.
- Watching NFL players sweat in 100 degree heat in Tampa for the pre-season on NBC, whose outcome is only relevant to gambling addicts and NFL fantasy football geeks.
- Bob Costis's voice sounding like no matter what happens, the end of the world is today ...
- Those SUV commercials making you feel like everyone lives on the same "love one another" planet offset by breaking national news on how the US is killing the shit out of man woman and child in Falujah.
- That black lady on the coke commercial that hands out free coke to everyone on the street as if it is the most normal thing in the world.
- Basketball
- The Republican National Convention will keep me entertained for all of three minutes when Arnold takes the stage and ask Angola to renounce the one metal they actually one.
- Now I can get back to watching the sports I was never able to catch for the last few weeks: Badminton, table Tennis, and diving.