Tuesday, November 09, 2004

in other news......

10 clinically proven techniques for coming to terms with Bush’s Reelection

10. Apple Martini, cigarette, 10 minute Pilates workout. Repeat for one hour.

9. 72 hour Remington Steel marathon on TV Land.

8. Live in complete denial for four years. (done it before. can’t be that hard right?)

7. Low Carb Orange Juice.

6. Trade in “Vote or Die” T-Shirt" for, “Vote and know that you will never make a difference in this country” T-shirt.

5. Drink more Redbull. Eat less olive loaf.

4. Round up Ross Perot, Drop off in front of the White House. Pass go. Collect $200 rom President.

3. Buy more Google Stock.

2. Three week Indian Casino binge.

1. Two words: Booze Cruise.

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