Monday, December 06, 2004


Mildred reaches out to Cash...


During Arafat's funeral, Rex wrote and told me you were alive. As you know, Rex recently purchased a home in Los Angeles. As a result, he frequently host "poker nights" and invites quite a few friends - and friend of friends. Since Rex is technically unemployed, he's instituted a new policy for Texas Hold Em': Everyone must donate a percentage of their winnings to the house. This has offended quite a few players.

Many have offered to bring snacks, drinks, drugs, etc., but the donation rule stands and is very much in effect. I was shocked when Rex asked me for money last time I was in town. How can we confront him without coming off rude?

I hope your Brooklyn apartment is treating you well. I'm eager to hear about the projects coming down the pipeline.

All my love from Communist China. (and don't let anyone tell you differently)


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