Friday, December 10, 2004


This just in....

Dimebag Trivia...
Dimebag was killed exactly 24 years to the night after the shooting of John Lennon on the Upper West Side of New York.

As if the world wasn't perverse enough...
Federal regulators plan next week to begin considering rules that would end the official ban on cellphone use on commercial flights. If the ban is lifted, one of the last cocoons of relative social silence would disappear, forcing strangers to work out the rough etiquette of involuntary eavesdropping in a confined space.

On a related note....
Nextel and Sprint are in merger talks. Combined, it would create the third largest cell phone company in the United States.

Rumor of the day:
Karl Malone MIGHT go to the Knicks.

James Brown and his Prostate...
Today James Brown announced he has prostate cancer.
Is there an older man in the public eye that hasn't been diagnosed with prostate cancer?

Prostate Cancer survivors who choose surgery:
Joe Torre,
Richard Mueller (FBI Director),
John Kerry,
Colin Powell (upon Bush's permission),
Bob Dole

Prostate Cancer Survivors who choose Radiation:
Rudy Gulliani
Nelson Mandella
Charlton Heston
Rupert Murdoch

Those who were diagnosed too late:
Frank Zappa
Timothy Leary
Bill Bixby
Telly Savallas
Linus Pauling (2 time noble prize winning scientist.)

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