Thursday, March 10, 2005


Cash gives last thoughts on Swank lawyers..


Don't mean to digress but this has been weighing on my mind for well over a week. The other night at the Oscars Hillary Swank won best actress for "Million Dollar Baby." Among those she thanked in her limited-30 second acceptance speech were her lawyers.

Word of advice (given that down the road you don't want people to hate you). Don't do that. Don't ever do that. You are given thirty seconds to thank everyone in the world and you thank a lawyer? You've already won the award once before. You're very young. You claim to have grown up in a trailer park. So don’t thank lawyers. Even if you want to thank a lawyer. Don't do it. Even if you sleep with them and the sex was great and he whispered "I love you." Even if he rescued you for crocodiles in the amazon, performed CPR on your husband and saved your child from molesters in Kabul, don't thank them. It just comes off in poor taste. But then again, she was born in a trailer park right?

Hope you are well…

Cash Frock

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