Thursday, May 05, 2005


Pat O Brian wins Mustache Cage match with Dr. Phil as Runaway Bride signs reality show deal with Fox

Television Update:

The Mustache Cage Match between Pat O’Brian and Dr. Phil last night on CBS reached a decision after 15 rounds. Late in round 13 Phil’s mustache simply ran out of steam. A cloud of controversy still remains around whether Pat O’Brian’s mustache used performance-enhancing drugs. A final determination is expected later in the week as O'Brain's mustache undergoes drug testing.

Asumming all legal troubles are behind them, Runaway Bride, Jennifer Wilbanks and groom in waiting John Mason have signed an agreement with FOX television for a new reality show this summer. The couple will go head to head against Britany Spears and Kevin Federline’s new show “Britany and Kevin" slated to air on UPN next week.

In other TV secrets revealed...

The season finale of ABC's American Idol will reveal NBC’s Donald Trump to announce the much anitpated winner. Instead of proclaiming a a winner, tycoon Trump will instead aproach the panel of the judges and announce in the face of Ms. Abdul: "'re fired!." Stay tuned...

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