Thursday, July 21, 2005
Cash high tails it to London after another series of bombings…
Looks like no Tahiti after the turn of events this week.
Boss has me shacked up at the Gallery Hotel across from the Natural History Museum. After the shooting yesterday, fear continues to plague the city. I’m anticipating looting if things don’t cool down. Arabs continue to stick out like a group of 70-year-old black women at a ZZ Top concert.
Despite all this, London is still an okay town. What they include in the London Lonely Planet travel guide need not apply. Bars stay open all night and there is delicious grub to be had.
The only intelligence I uncovered and confirmed for the CIA today involved Yogurt. You may have already heard the rumor. Lots of French tourist in Tahiti no?
Danone, the French food company is the target of a planned takeover bid by PepsiCo Inc. It reeks of an American coup d'etat as Middle East payback continues to rear it's ugly head. My key source contacts say the French aren't going down without a fight. Since Bastille Day, several agrarian uprisings have occurred, transforming many wine valleys in the south and central regions into miniature Al Queda camps.
Terrorists with berets is essentially what we're talking about.
I'll keep you posted, because I suspect Boss wants me to head to the Rhone Valley of France next week. I'm going to have to raise my price or take up golf because this post Saddam Hussein world of espionage is NOT for me.
It's a violent and complicated world we live in.
Hope to see you soon.
Cash Frock