Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Waiting on his Ticket to Ride....

Now that Omar has been apprehended, my time here is nearly over.
Late yesterday after a break in the bombing case, I finally had the opportunity to blow off some steam. Wouldn’t you know it, tragedy strikes again right in front of my face.
After a few drinks at the hotel, I stumble over to the Leed's Warehouse Club to listen to music. I wasn't there five minutes, when the lead singer of this ska band dies on stage after an acrobatic leap went tragically wrong. The dude tried to grab the lighting rig hanging from one of the venue's wooden beams before losing his grip and plunging to the wooden floor headfirst.
There goes my night.
Numb from all the developments, I’ve taken refuge at a nearby café to count my blessings and await my orders. Human life is so very fragile.
Hope you’re good. Still basking in Tahitian sun?
Cash Frock.