Friday, August 05, 2005


And now, a word from our sponsors…

Does any of this sound familiar?

"I can pass you on to my supervisor, but she'll tell you the same thing…"

"You don't seem to be in the computer…"

"Our system is down, please call back later..."

"You'll need to fax that request…"

"You can't have my last name, but I’m the only "Bob" at the call center…"

"That's not our return policy…"

"I'm putting you on hold…"

"I can't help you without confirming your social security number…"

"Just to let you know, this phone call is being recorded. Please state your name and that you agree…"

"This isn't a sales call we just want to remind you of some great offers…"

"I AM the manager."

If so…

Do you feel helpless?
Reconsidering whether the Unibomber may have been on to something with that long winded manifesto?
Have you surfed hate group web-sites for relief?
Considering Scientology?
Just down right angry?

If so, ask yourself...

Will robots be my boss soon?
Why am I sweating?
Why do women's dry-cleaning always cost more?
Which one was Roper and which one is Ebert?
Did I know which was which before or after the other one died?
If given the chance, would I perform worse on my SAT today than I did in High School?

If you are asking yourself any or all of these questions, and answered yes…

There's a good chance you are a perfect candidate to work for "The Company."

That's right.

"The Company"

"The Company" offers competitive benefits, three weeks vacation, and will never take into consideration any illegal activity you may or may not have done in the past.
Have a criminal record?
Just need a little more income?
Give us a call.
Stay tuned and fine out how you can be a part of "The Company…"

"The Company" is an equal opportunity employer…

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