Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Mildred sics Vlad from the Bowling alley on Sputnik...

Sputnik (the one on the right) has been especially annoying this week, trying to hit me up for information while I'm trying to enjoy a freakin' vacation here in Tahiti.
Her father, Sergio, is an an ex-KGB man from Flushing New York who after years of alcoholic neglect, went sober and decided to spoil his daughter rotten. Don't get me started.
If you get back into LA this week, will you notify our Chechen friend Vlad, from the Bowling alley? I'm really fed up. She spied on the Boy Scouts at the Natoinal Jamboree and swears there is some terrorist connection. After last week, I say, give the freakin' Boys Scouts a break.
I'll be concluding my vacation at the end of the week. Remind me to tell you about this man I met. He's from the island, and has inherited 20 acres of furtile pineapple land from his grandfather. The whole idea makes it tempting to resist leaving.
Love ,
How's Snoop?