Sunday, October 30, 2005


In other news, "Bling Bling" gets props...

In addition to being added to the Oxford English Dictionary, linguists announced on Friday that the term Bling-Bling (used to describe diamonds, jewelry and all forms of showy style) will be inducted into the White People Appropriation Hall of Fame (WPAHF). Both the NASDAQ and Dow Jones Industrial average were encouraged by the announcement, edging up by the closing bell.

As a result of the induction, starting Monday, the word "BLING BLING" will receive an official permit to infiltrate itself into every aspect of white mainstream culture.

"The opportunities for this word are endless," say's BLING-BLING's agent, Larry Leatherman, "There are essentially no limits to where Bling-Bling can go. Our plan is to use the word in Detergent Commercials, half hour sitcoms aimed at conservative white households, and even cartoons. In a few months, the notion that Bling-Bling was coined by Cash Money Millionaires back in the late '90s will be a thing of the past."

Bling-Bling will join the ranks of such black phrases appropriated into white culture as:

You go girl…
Get Jiggy with it..
Go (fill in name)…it's your birthday

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