Saturday, January 07, 2006
And now a message from ACW...

5 good reasons to purchase an ACW alarm system:
1 out of 5 homes will experience a burglary, fire, or carbon monoxide poisoning within the next 6 years.
(We were going to source our data, but that would take a long time.)
1 out of 3 homes will have a medical emergency this year.
(Medical emergencies defined as - "running out of cigarettes at 4:30AM when all the stores are closed.")
38% of assaults and 60% of rapes occur during a home invasion.
(Studies have found that the use of the word "rape" will scare anyone into buying anything).
20 people die by fire in their homes every 24 hours.
(These 20 people represent .0000003% of the 6.5 billion people on the planet whose annual earned salary over ten years could not possible cover the installation cost of owning our alarm system. The point is, most people in the world live in poverty, giving them all the more reason to rob your house of it's valuables.)
1,800 deaths occur each year from carbon monoxide poisoning.
(1,600 of those deaths are suicides or inside coal mines. The rest occur in markets were profit margins are minimal)
Remember, we are a company not here to make money.
We exist soley make sure you are safe from the dangers that rest at the foot of your seemingly secure home.
This has been brought to you buy ACW: selling fear since the collapse of the Berlin wall…