Wednesday, January 18, 2006
One could do worse than be at home with Sophia Loren in Naples, Italy - 1955.
Monterey Park is not anything it's cracked up to be. Come to think of it, Monterey Park was never really cracked up to be anything except maybe decent Chinese food at 3AM.
Long story short, I spent nine hours of my existence today in corporate purgatory listening to the gospel according to the US Patriot Act. Security at the facility made Israel's procedures seem as lax as Cleveland cops cracking down on nitrous tanks at a Dead Show.
Taking the red neon induced rush hour traffic home, I dropped a co-worker off in Century City before making the southwest pilgrimage to the Pacific Ocean. One thing about bumping and grinding down and nasty with traffic for two straight hours: Screw pedestrians! Drivers are people too. That they don't kill more people is nothing short of grace from God.
Hope you are well. January moves quickly if you're not careful.